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Chevra Kadisha


Chevra Kadisha CR

Chevra Kadisha CR, which resumed its operations after 2001, is the successor organization of Chevra Kadisha Gomlei Chasadim, which has been operating in Prague since the 16th century.

Among its main activities today include care for the sick and the dying, in which it cooperates with the Social Department of the JCP, DSP Hagibor (Social Care Facility) and other companies.

It also provides, in cooperation with the Rabbinate of the JCP, all ritual and formal activities for securing Jewish funerals and depositing urns within Prague and in cooperation with local Jewish communities throughout Bohemia and Moravia.

He also provides counseling for survivors and mourners.

In cooperation with SBH Matana a.s. helps to maintain and to protect Jewish cemeteries and places of reverence in our territory.

Members of Chevra Kadisha CR participate in reverent and other ritual meetings, they help maintain the legacy of charity ethics and help those in need.


If you want to contribute to its activities you can do so at 6018931329/0800; BIC: GIBACZPX; IBAN: CZ64 0800 0000 0060 1893 1329


If you have any questions about Chevra Kadisha's activities, please contact [email protected]  or +420 734 796 200