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Kosher Certificate

The Rabbinate of the Jewish Community in Prague is authorized to issue a certificate and designation (hechsher) on the ritual eligibility of foodstuffs and beverages called kosher.


Rabbinate of JCP offers kosher food companies certification of their products. Those interested in the kosher certificate will receive a draft contract. After consultation with the ritual supervisor - Mashgiach about the composition of the certified product and the technology of production, a visit of the rabbi directly in the production plant is arranged. According to his decision, a kosher certificate with international validity is issued (JCP is the only organization in the Czech Republic that has this approval).


If you are interested in the kosher certificate, contact the Kashrut coordinator of the Prague rabbinate [email protected]  or call the JC Prague Rabbinate phone number +420 224 800 849, +420 224 800 804