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Guide for Mourners

Guide for Mourners

  • - when death of a member of the Jewish community in Prague (ZOP), or a member from outside Prague's Jewish community, or non-registered persons of Jewish origin who wish to be buried in the New Jewish Cemetery in Prague-Žižkov occurs.

The basic rules are prescribed by Law for funeral services (Code  No. 256/201, sum 98, p. 5669 dated 29.6.2001) and further specified by the Regulation of the public burial place of the  Prague Jewish Community, Izraelska st.1, Prague 3, approved on 1st July 2002.

When Death Occurs

When death of a member of the Jewish community in Prague (ZOP) or a member from outside Prague's Jewish community or non-registered persons of Jewish origin occurs, and his/hers relatives want Jewish burial in the New Jewish Cemetery in Prague-Žižkov, then they have to contact:

On Weekdays

  • During working hours by phone (224 800 249) 7:00-16:00 rabbinate ZOP (Maiselova 18, Prague 1);

  • After office hours by phone (224 800 833) the security guard ZOP (Maiselova 18, Prague 1)

  • to provide the following information:

  • The name of the deceased;

  • The date of the death;

  • The name of the contact person.

During the Shabbat and Holidays
ZOP security guard - telephone (224 800 833) or in person (Maiselova 18, Prague 1)
and provide the following information:

  • The name of the deceased;

  • The date of the death;

  • The name of the contact person.

After the end of Shabbat or Festival, the representative of the Prague's Rabbinate will contact the contact person and arrange everything necessary.

Mourners and Rabbinate together:
- Decide on the date of the burial (non-members of ZOP submit proof of Jewish origin of the deceased);
- Prepare obituary, which will be placed in the building of ZOP, in the cemetery, in the Community publication "Obecní noviny",  and in "Rosh Chodesh";
- Will prepare the funeral speech.

The Rabbinate

  • Verifies information, where the deceased is situated (due to transportation and to avoid autopsy);

  • Determines when Tahara will be performed;

  • Ensures the persons who will make Tahara;

  • Announces the date of the funeral to the cemetery;

  • Ensures Minyan;

  • Provides transport of clergymen to the cemetery.

The Cemetery Services Manager

  • Negotiates the payment for the funeral;

  • Specifies the grave site;

  • Ensures all works at the cemetery, including the transfer of the deceased on the day of the funeral;

  • Prepares Tahara;

  • From the Funeral Service he receives the document of the dissecting-room.

Entombement of Urn
In case of an urn, on basis of agreement with the Rabbi of Prague, the mourners, after paying the fee for the urn's entombement, will settle the date and the place of the urn's entombement with the cemetery services manager. Inhumation and entombement of an urn can be made only upon presentation of payment receipt in the cash office of the Community. This receipt is presented to the cemetery services manager.

The Mourners

  • Receive the "certificate of postmortem" from the administration of the cemetery;

  • Deliver the deceased's identity card to the Register Office in the area of the deceased;

  • Report to the Register Office the address where the death certificate should be sent to.

The Centre of Social Services
Can assist the mourners in dealing with matters, or can act independently upon empowerment of the mourners, especially in the preparation of documents:

a. An application for widow's pension. The surviving spouse shall submit:

  1.   Marriage certificate;

  2.   Retiring assessments, both own and of the deceased;

  3.  The death certificate of the deceased (or confirmation of the death from the hospital, or invoice for the funeral) to the Social Security Administration, in order that they will   write up an application for the widow's pension if he/she is pensionable;

b. Application for a new identity card.

Heritage – In case that ZOP is included in the heritage, an employee of ZOP authorized by the President participates in the notarial examinations of the apartment and in all the inheritance proceedings at the notary assigned by the court, and on behalf of ZOP he signes notarial records.